Kamila Żak-Jimi

Free Archetypes Questionnaire

Discover your favorite archetypes

How to complete the questionnaire

It’s easy! Read each statement and choose how much you agree with it.

Ready? Fill in the questionnaire

1. I would be surprised if someone betrayed me.
2. I just assume that people I hang around with at school are trustworthy.
3. I feel safe in this world.
4. I know people usually like me, even when they don’t show it.
5. I believe that people don’t mean to be cruel.
6. I enjoy “feel good” movies such as Little Miss Sunshine.
7. My early childhood was pretty hard on me.
8. I enjoy movies where people may suffer, but are brave, such as Mel Gibson in Braveheart, or Jodie Foster in The Brave One.
9. I have been hurt a lot of times in my life.
10. I know I’m different.
11. I have swallowed my pride to belong to a group I really wanted to join.
12. Everyone deserves respect, man, woman, child and animal.
13. I’m known as the one who is always there to take care of strays.
14. People can sometimes take advantage of my generous nature.
15. I love movies about people who make a difference in the world, like Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side.
16. People can’t always fend for themselves.
17. As the older brother or sister, I have to be the responsible one.
18. I enjoy being helpful.
19. People turn to me to make a difference.
20. Even when things go wrong, you can count on me to stick with it to the very end.
21. I enjoy movies when the main character shows heroic qualities such as Batman, Superman, and Clint Eastwood movies.
22. I enjoy being competitive.
23. Sometimes you have to be strong.
24. I have no trouble standing up for myself.
25. I love adventure movies, such as Indiana Jones and Into the Wild.
26. Sometimes I feel trapped.
27. If I made a change, it would be good for me.
28. Why do I so often feel dissatisfied?
29. I yearn to test my own limits.
30. Restlessness can be such a motivator for me.
31. I can set limits for myself and others.
32. I did it my way.
33. It’s pretty hard to make me do something that I don’t want to do.
34. I like movies about rebels such as Zorro and Robin Hood.
35. It’s important to take a stand.
36. I could break the law if it was for a worthy cause.
37. I feel passionately about what I do.
38. I like romantic movies such as Casa Blanca.
39. It is important to follow your bliss.
40. Sometimes I can get myself in trouble by blindly following my heart.
41. I can feel envious of others.
42. I simply enjoy people.
43. Imagination is an important part of my life.
44. I can get lost in time and space when I am creating something.
45. I have given up love to make room for my art.
46. Money does not drive me; being creative does.
47. For me, a good trip must provide opportunity to see galleries, to music events.
48. Inspiration comes in many forms.
49. I need to create a world I feel strong in.
50. I need to feel in control.
51. People tell me I am a good leader.
52. I can be called bossy.
53. I like movies about Kings and Queens such as Elizabeth and The Tudors.
54. I enjoy the challenge of bringing order to messy situations.
55. I love learning almost anything.
56. People often ask for my advice.
57. Having a library is important to me.
58. I enjoy movies that honour wisdom such as Yoda in Star Wars.
59. Sometimes I can get lost in a dream world of ideas.
60. I am considered a pretty serious person.
61. The greatest joy for me is to make good things happen.
62. I enjoy films about the occult or magic, such as Harry Potter.
63. Mystery intrigues me.
64. People count on me to change things.
65. Some say I have a healing effect on them.
66. It’s important to know what you want in life.
67. I can easily make others laugh.
68. I can be a bit sneaky if I have to be.
69. I like to tell the truth in a non-serious way.
70. When things go really wrong, you just have to laugh at the silliness of it all.
71. I like to watch comedy on TV and in the movies.
72. Life should be enjoyed.

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